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How to add multiple users to JioCloud Enterprise account?

How to add multiple users to JioCloud Enterprise account?

To add users in bulk to JioCloud Enterprise, follow these steps:

Step 1: Login to your JioCloud Enterprise account and go to Admin Console.

Step 2: In the Admin Console, click on "Manage Team" in the left menu, and then select "Import Users" button.

Step 3: Click on "Download Sample CSV" to obtain a CSV file with predefined fields such as first name, email and more.

Step 4: Open the downloaded CSV file and enter the required information for each user in separate rows. Save the changes.

Step 5: On admin console, click on "Upload CSV", select the saved CSV file and click on "Upload".

Step 6: After uploading, a new file will be downloaded. This file will provide information whether the user has been invited or any possible reasons for failure.

Step 7: Users who meet the eligibility criteria will receive an invite email to access JioCloud Enterprise.

Step 8: Admins can also check the notification panel for further details about the invited users.