JioCloud FAQs


File Upload and Auto BackupContacts Backup, Restore & MergeMessage Backup & Restore

Access your filesAlbums & Suggested AlbumsSharingSearchSpotlightsDocument Editing & VersioningPrivate FolderDocument ScannerTagsFree up Device SpaceData Export

User ProfileStorage DetailsData SecurityRefer Friends & Earn Free Storage

JioCloud on DesktopJioCloud on STBJioCloud on Feature PhoneJioCloud on ChromebookJioCloud PC

Login IssuesLoss or Deactivation of Jio Number



JioCloud is a safe and secure cloud storage service by Jio, where you get free storage on signing up. It provides you an easy way to backup your device data. The data can further be synced with various devices under one account and can be easily shared within your circle, business or personal. It is like carrying an invisible hard disk, containing all your collection of photos, videos, music, documents and contacts wherever you go.