JioCloud FAQs


File Upload and Auto BackupContacts Backup, Restore & MergeMessage Backup & Restore

Access your filesAlbums & Suggested AlbumsSharingSearchSpotlightsDocument Editing & VersioningPrivate FolderDocument ScannerTagsFree up Device SpaceData Export

User ProfileStorage DetailsData SecurityRefer Friends & Earn Free Storage

JioCloud on DesktopJioCloud on STBJioCloud on Feature PhoneJioCloud on ChromebookJioCloud PC

Login IssuesLoss or Deactivation of Jio Number



Data privacy and integrity are taken very seriously by JioCloud. Under no circumstances, the user’s personal data is shared with any other individual or third party. Only user himself can share his data with other users if he desires by using application sharing feature.

Additionally, for enhanced security, users can optionally setup passphrase-based lock in JioCloud app on Android, iOS and Web application clients.